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Education minimum required No specifications Compulsory education / Vocational training Secondary technical training Vocational education and training / Apprenticeships Post-secondary technical training Higher education, college included
Type of contract * full time part-time for an indefinite period for an indefinite period, full-time for an indefinite period, part-time for a definite period, part-time for a definite period, full-time for a definite period for a temporary help Gardening assist Kitchen assist Storage assist Restaurant assist Shop assist Service assist Household assistance Office assist babysitting We`re looking for granny handyman volunteer casting
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Inclusion Agricultural, fishery Computing, engineering, science professionals Computing, engineering, science professionals Construction, mining and quarrying workers Customer service staff Drivers and mobile-plant operators Finance, sales and administrative professionals General managers Healthcare and life science associate professionals Healthcare and life science professionals Hotel, catering and personal services staff Labourers in mining, construction, transport Legal, social science and artistic professionals Legislators and senior officials Machine operators and assemblers Metal and electronic equipment workers Office staff Other craft and related trades workers Precision, handicraft, printing Sales, services, cleaning occupations Sales staff and fashion work Senior managers Skilled agricultural, fishery workers Stationary-plant and related operators Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers Teaching associate professionals Teaching professionals
... Legislators and senior officials      Legislators          Senior government officials      Traditional chiefs          Traditional chiefs      Senior officials of special-interest org          Political-party organisations          Employers', workers' and other organisations          Humanitarian and other organisations Senior managers      Directors and chief executives          Directors and chief executives      Production and operation department manager          Managers in agriculture, hunting forestry and fishing          Manufacturing          Construction          Wholesale and retail trade          Restaurants and hotels          Transport, storage and communications          Business services          Personal care, cleaning and related services          Managers not elsewhere classified      Other department managers          Finance department managers          Relations department managers          Sales and marketing department managers          Public relations department managers          Distribution department managers          Computing services department managers          Development department managers          Other department managers General managers      General managers          Agriculture. hunting forestry and fishing          Manufacturing          Construction          Wholesale and retail trade          Restaurants and hotels          Transport storage and communications          Business services          Personal care, cleaning and related services          General managers not elsewhere classified Computing, engineering, science professionals      Physicists, chemists and others          Physicists and astronomers          Meteorologists          Chemists          Geologists and geophysicists      Mathematicians, statisticians          Mathematicians          Statisticians      Computing professionals          Computer systems designers and analysts          Computer programmers          Computing professionals not elsewhere classified      Architects, engineers          Architects. town and traffic planners          Civil engineers          Electrical engineers          Electronics and engineers          Mechanical engineers          Chemical engineers          Mining engineers. metallurgists          Cartographers and surveyors          Architects. engineers Healthcare and life science professionals      Life science professionals          Biologists, botanists, zoologists          Pharmacologists. pathologists          Agronomists and related professionals      Health professionals (except nursing)          Medical doctors          Dentists          Veterinarians          Pharmacists          Health professionals      Nursing and midwifery professionals          Nursing and midwifery professionals Teaching professionals      Education teaching professionals          Education teaching professionals      Secondary education teaching professionals          Secondary education teaching professionals      Pre-primary education teaching professionals          Primary education teaching professionals          Pre-primary education teaching professional      Special education teaching professionals          Special education teaching professionals      Other teaching professionals          Education methods specialists          School inspectors          Other teaching professionals Legal, social science and artistic professionals      Business professionals          Accountants          Personnel and careers professionals          Business professionals not elsewhere classified      Legal professionals          Lawyers          Judges          Legal professionals not elsewhere classified      Archivists, librarians          Archivists and curators          Librarians and related information professionals      Social science and related professionals          Economists          Sociologists. anthropologists          Philosophers, historians and political scientists          Philologists translators and interpreters          Psychologists          Social work professionals      Writers and creative or performing artists          Authors, journalists and other writers          Sculptors. painters and related artists          Composers. musicians and singers          Choreographers and dancers          Film, stage and related actors and directors      Religious professionals          Religious professionals Computing, engineering, science professionals      Physical and engineering science technicians          Chemical and physical science technicians          Civil engineering technicians          Electrical engineering technicians          Electronics and telecommunications engineers          Mechanical engineering technicians          Chemical engineering technicians          Mining and metallurgical technicians          Draughts persons          Physical and engineering science technicians      Computer associate professionals          Computer assistants          Computer equipment operators          Industrial robot controllers.      Optical and electronic equipment operators          Photographers, image and sound operators          Broadcasting and telecommunications operators          Medical equipment operators          Optical and electronic equipment operators      Ship and aircraft controllers and technicians          Ships' engineers          Ships deck officers and pilots          Aircraft pilots          Air traffic controllers          Air traffic safety technicians      Safety and quality inspectors          Building and fire inspectors          Quality control Healthcare and life science associate professionals      Life science technicians          Life science technicians          Agronomy and forestry technicians          Farming and forestry advisers      Modern health associate professionals          Medical assistants          Sanitarians          Dieticians and nutritionists          Optometrists and opticians          Dental assistants          Physiotherapists          Veterinary assistants          Pharmaceutical assistants          Modern health professionals not elsewhere classified      Nursing and midwifery associate professionals          Nursing associate professionals          Midwifery associate professionals      Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers          Traditional medicine practitioners          Faith healers Teaching associate professionals      Primary education teaching associate professionals          Primary education teaching associate professionals      Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals          Pre-primary education teaching associate professionals      Special education teaching associate professionals          Special education teaching associate professionals      Other teaching associate professionals          Other teaching associate professionals Finance, sales and administrative professionals      Finance and sales associate professionals          Securities and finance dealers and brokers          Insurance representatives          Estate agents          Travel consultants and organisers          Technical and commercial sales representatives          Buyers          Appraisers valuers and auctioneers          Finance and sales associate professionals      Business services agents and trade brokers          Trade brokers          Clearing and forwarding agents          Employment agents and labour contractors          Business services agents and trade broke      Administrative associate professionals          Administrative secretaries          Legal and related business associate professionals          Bookkeepers          Statistical. mathematical          Administrative associate professionals      Customs, tax and related government professionals          Customs and border inspectors          Government tax and excise officials          Government social benefits officials          Government licensing officials          Government professionals not elsewhere classified      Police inspectors and detective          Police inspectors and detectives      Social work associate professionals          Social work associate professionals      Artistic, entertainment and sport professionals          Decorators and commercial designers          Radio, television and other announcers          Street. musicians, singers and dancers          Clowns. magicians, acrobats          Athletes. sports persons      Religious associate professionals          Religious associate professionals Office staff      Secretaries and keyboard-operating clerks          Stenographers and typists          Word-processor and related operators          Data entry operators          Calculating-machine operators          Secretaries      Numerical clerks          Accounting and bookkeeping clerks          Statistical and finance clerks      Material-recording and transport clerks          Stock clerks          Production clerks          Transport clerks      Library, mail and related clerks          Library and filing clerks          Mail carriers and sorting clerks          Coding, proof-reading and related clerks          Scribes and related workers      Other office clerks          Other office clerks Customer service staff      Cashiers, tellers and related clerks          Cashiers and ticket clerks          Tellers and other counter clerks          Bookmakers and croupiers          Pawnbrokers and money-lenders          Debt-collectors and related workers      Client information clerks          Travel agency and related clerks          Receptionists and information clerks          Telephone switchboard operators Hotel, catering and personal services staff      Travel attendants and related workers          Travel attendants and travel stewards          Transport conductors          Travel guides      Housekeeping and restaurant services workers          Housekeepers and related workers          Cooks          Waiters, waitresses and bartenders      Personal care and related workers          Child-care workers          Institution-based personal care workers          Home-based personal care workers          Personal care and related workers      Other personal services workers          Hairdressers barbers, beauticians          Companions and valets          Undertakers and embalmers          Other personal services workers      Astrologers, fortune-tellers          Astrologers and related workers          Fortune-tellers palmists      Protective services workers          Fire-fighters          Police officers          Prison guards          Protective services workers Sales staff and fashion work      Fashion and other models          Fashion and other models      Shop sales persons and demonstrators          Shop sales persons and demonstrators      Stall and market sales persons          Stall and market sales persons Skilled agricultural, fishery workers      Market gardeners and crop growers          Field crop and vegetable growers          Tree and shrub crop growers          Gardeners horticultural and nursery growers          Mixed-crop growers      Market-oriented animal producers          Dairy and livestock producers          Poultry producers          Apiarists and sericulturists          Mixed-animal producers          Market-oriented animal producers      Market-oriented crop and animal producers          Market-oriented crop and animal producers      Forestry and related workers          Forestry workers and loggers          Charcoal burners and related workers      Fishery workers, hunters and trappers          Aquatic-life cultivation workers          Inland and coastal waters fishery workers          Deep-sea fishery workers          Hunters and trappers Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers      Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers          Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers Construction, mining and quarrying workers      Miners, shotfirers, stone cutters and carvers          Miners and quarry workers          Shotfirers and blasters          Stone splitters. cutters and carvers      Building frame and related trades workers          Builders. traditional materials          Bricklayers and stonemasons          Concrete placers. concrete finishers          Carpenters and joiners          Building frame and related trades workers      Building finishers and related trades workers          Roofers          Floor layers and tile setters          Plasterers          Insulation workers          Glaziers          Plumbers and pipe fitters          Building and related electricians      Painters, building structure cleaners          Painters and related workers          Varnishers and related painters          Building structure cleaners Metal and electronic equipment workers      Metal moulders, welders, sheet-metal workers          Metal moulders and coremakers          Welders and flamecutters          Sheet-metal workers          Structural-metal preparers and erectors          Riggers and cable splicers          Underwater workers      Blacksmiths, tool-makers          Blacksmiths. hammer-smiths workers          Tool-makers          Machine-tool setters and setter-operators          Metal wheel-grinders, polishers      Machinery mechanics and fitters          Motor vehicle mechanics and fitters          Aircraft engine mechanics and fitters          Agricultural, industrial-machinery mechanics      Electrical, electronic equipment mechanics          Electrical mechanics and fitters          Electronics fitters          Electronics mechanics and servicers          Telegraph, telephone installers          Electrical line installers, repairers Precision, handicraft, printing      Precision workers in metal          Precision-instrument makers and repairers          Musical-instrument makers and tuners          Jewellery and precious-metal workers      Potters, glass-makers          Abrasive wheel formers. potters          Glass-makers. cutters. grinders          Glass engravers and etchers          Glass. ceramics, decorative painters      Handicraftworkers in wood, textile          Handicraftworkers in wood          Handicraft workers in textile, leather      Printing and related trades workers          Compositors. typesetters          Stereotypers and electrotypers          Printing engravers and etchers          Photographic and related workers          Bookbinders and related workers          Silk-screen. textile printers Other craft and related trades workers      Food processing and related trades workers          Butchers, fishmongers          Bakers. pastry-cooks          Dairy-products makers          Fruit, vegetable          Food and beverage tasters and graders          Tobacco preparers and products makers      Wood treaters, cabinet-makers          Woodtreaters          Cabinet-makers and related workers          Woodworking-machine setters          Basketry weavers, brush makers      Textile, garment          Fibre preparers          Weavers, knitters          Tailors, dressmakers and hatters          Furriers and related workers          Textile, leather pattern-makers and cutters          Sewers, embroiderers          Upholsterers and related workers      Pelt, leather trades workers          Pelt dressers, fell mongers          Shoe-makers and related workers Stationary-plant and related operators      Mining, mineral-processing-plant operators          Mining-plant operators          Mineral-ore-, stone-processing operators          Well drillers and borers      Metal-processing-plant operators          Ore and metal furnace operators          Metal melters, rolling-mill operators          Metal-heat-treating-plant operators          Metal drawers and extruders      Glass, ceramics and plant operators          Glass and ceramics kiln, machine operators          Glass. ceramics not elsewhere classified      Wood-processing-, papermaking-plant operators          Wood-processing-plant operators          Paper-pulp plant operators          Papermaking-plant operators      Chemical-processing-plant operators          Crushing-. and chemical-mixing operators          Chemical-heat-treating-plant operators          Chemical-filtering-, separating operators          Chemical-still and reactor operators          Petroleum-, natural-gas-refining operators          Chemical-processing-plant operators      Power-production and related plant operators          Power-production plant operators          Steam-engine and boiler operators          Incinerator, water-treatment operators      Automated-assembly-line, industrial operators          Automated-assembly-line operators          Industrial-robot operators Machine operators and assemblers      Metal- and mineral-products operators          Machine-tool operators          Cement and other mineral products operators      Chemical-products machine operators          Pharmaceutical-, toiletry-products operators          Ammunition-, explosive-products operators          Metal finishing-, plating- operators          Photographic-products machine operators          Chemical-products machine operators      Rubber- and plastic-products machine operators          Rubber-products machine operators          Plastic-products machine operators      Wood-products machine operators          Wood-products machine operators      Printing-, paper-products machine operators          Printing-machine operators          Bookbinding-machine operators          Paper-products machine operators      Textile-, leather-products machine operators          Fibre-preparing, spinning operators          Weaving- and knitting-machine operators          Sewing-machine operators          Bleaching-, cleaning-machine operators          Leather-preparing-machine operators          Shoemaking machine operators          Textile machine operators      Food and related products operators          Meat- and fish-processing operators          Dairy-products machine operators          Grain, spice-milling-machine operators          Baked-goods, chocolate machine operators          Fruit-, vegetable machine operators          Sugar production machine operators          Tea-, coffee, machine operators          Brewers-, wine, beverage machine operators          Tobacco production machine operators      Assemblers          Mechanical-machinery assemblers          Electrical-equipment assemblers          Electronic-equipment assemblers          Metal-, plastic-products assemblers          Wood and related products assemblers          Paperboard. textile assemblers      Other machine operators and assemblers          Other machine operators and assemblers Drivers and mobile-plant operators      Locomotive-engine drivers          Locomotive-engine drivers          Railway brakers. signallers      Motor-vehicle drivers          Motor-cycle drivers          Car, taxi and van drivers          Bus and tram drivers          Heavy truck and lorry drivers      Agricultural and other operators          Motorised farm operators          Earth-moving, plant operators          Crane. hoist, plant operators          Lifting-truck operators      Ships' deck crews          Ships' deck crews Sales, services, cleaning occupations      Street vendors          Street food vendors          Street vendors. non-food products          Door-to-door, telephone salespersons      Shoe cleaning and other street services          Shoe cleaning and other street services      Domestic, related helpers, cleaners          Domestic helpers and cleaners          Helpers and cleaners in offices. hotels          Hand-launderers and pressers      Building caretakers, window cleaners          Building caretakers          Vehicle, window and related cleaners      Messengers, porters, doorkeepers          Messengers, package and deliverers          Doorkeepers. watchpersons          Vending-machine money collectors      Garbage collectors and related labourers          Garbage collectors          Sweepers and related labourers Agricultural, fishery      Agricultural, fishery          Farm-hands and labourers          Forestry labourers          Fishery, hunting and trapping labourers Labourers in mining, construction, transport      Mining and construction labourers          Mining and quarrying labourers          Construction and maintenance labourers roads          Building construction labourers      Manufacturing labourers          Assembling labourers          Hand packers      Transport labourers and freight handlers          Hand or pedal vehicle drivers          Drivers of animal-drawn machinery          Freight handlers
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Country * Belgium Bulgaria Czech republic Denmark Germany Estonia Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Cyprus Lithuania Latvia Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Norway Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovak republic Finland Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom
Region * Region SAARLAND      Saarland          Stadtverband Saarbrücken          Merzig-Wadern          Neunkirchen          Saarlouis          Saarpfalz-Kreis          St. Wendel HAMBURG      Hamburg          Hamburg THÜRINGEN      Thüringen          Erfurt, Kreisfreie Stadt          Gera, Kreisfreie Stadt          Jena, Kreisfreie Stadt          Suhl, Kreisfreie Stadt          Weimar, Kreisfreie Stadt          Eichsfeld          Nordhausen          Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis          Kyffhäuserkreis          Schmalkalden-Meiningen          Gotha          Sömmerda          Hildburghausen          Ilm-Kreis          Weimarer Land          Sonneberg          Saalfeld-Rudolstadt          Saale-Holzland-Kreis          Saale-Orla-Kreis          Greiz          Altenburger Land          Eisenach, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wartburgkreis RHEINLAND-PFALZ      Trier          Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bernkastel-Wittlich          Bitburg-Prüm          Daun          Trier-Saarburg      Rheinhessen-Pfalz          Frankenthal (Pfalz), Kreisfreie Stadt          Kaiserslautern, Kreisfreie Stadt          Landau in der Pfalz, Kreisfreie Stadt          Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Kreisfreie Stadt          Mainz, Kreisfreie Stadt          Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Kreisfreie Stadt          Pirmasens, Kreisfreie Stadt          Speyer, Kreisfreie Stadt          Worms, Kreisfreie Stadt          Zweibrücken, Kreisfreie Stadt          Alzey-Worms          Bad Dürkheim          Donnersbergkreis          Germersheim          Kaiserslautern, Landkreis          Kusel          Südliche Weinstraße          Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis          Mainz-Bingen          Südwestpfalz      Koblenz          Koblenz, Kreisfreie Stadt          Ahrweiler          Altenkirchen (Westerwald)          Bad Kreuznach          Birkenfeld          Cochem-Zell          Mayen-Koblenz          Neuwied          Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis          Rhein-Lahn-Kreis          Westerwaldkreis SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN      Schleswig-Holstein          Flensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Kiel, Kreisfreie Stadt          Lübeck, Kreisfreie Stadt          Neumünster, Kreisfreie Stadt          Dithmarschen          Herzogtum Lauenburg          Nordfriesland          Ostholstein          Pinneberg          Plön          Rendsburg-Eckernförde          Schleswig-Flensburg          Segeberg          Steinburg          Stormarn BERLIN      Berlin          Berlin HESSEN      Gießen          Gießen, Landkreis          Lahn-Dill-Kreis          Limburg-Weilburg          Marburg-Biedenkopf          Vogelsbergkreis      Kassel          Kassel, Kreisfreie Stadt          Fulda          Hersfeld-Rotenburg          Kassel, Landkreis          Schwalm-Eder-Kreis          Waldeck-Frankenberg          Werra-Meißner-Kreis      Darmstadt          Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt          Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt          Offenbach am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wiesbaden, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bergstraße          Darmstadt-Dieburg          Groß-Gerau          Hochtaunuskreis          Main-Kinzig-Kreis          Main-Taunus-Kreis          Odenwaldkreis          Offenbach, Landkreis          Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis          Wetteraukreis BREMEN      Bremen          Bremen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bremerhaven, Kreisfreie Stadt BAYERN      Niederbayern          Landshut, Kreisfreie Stadt          Passau, Kreisfreie Stadt          Straubing, Kreisfreie Stadt          Deggendorf          Freyung-Grafenau          Kelheim          Landshut, Landkreis          Passau, Landkreis          Regen          Rottal-Inn          Straubing-Bogen          Dingolfing-Landau      Mittelfranken          Ansbach, Kreisfreie Stadt          Erlangen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Fürth, Kreisfreie Stadt          Nürnberg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Schwabach, Kreisfreie Stadt          Ansbach, Landkreis          Erlangen-Höchstadt          Fürth, Landkreis          Nürnberger Land          Neustadt a. d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim          Roth          Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen      Unterfranken          Aschaffenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Schweinfurt, Kreisfreie Stadt          Würzburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Aschaffenburg, Landkreis          Bad Kissingen          Rhön-Grabfeld          Haßberge          Kitzingen          Miltenberg          Main-Spessart          Schweinfurt, Landkreis          Würzburg, Landkreis      Schwaben          Augsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Kaufbeuren, Kreisfreie Stadt          Kempten (Allgäu), Kreisfreie Stadt          Memmingen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Aichach-Friedberg          Augsburg, Landkreis          Dillingen a.d. Donau          Günzburg          Neu-Ulm          Lindau (Bodensee)          Ostallgäu          Unterallgäu          Donau-Ries          Oberallgäu      Oberpfalz          Amberg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Regensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Weiden i. d. Opf, Kreisfreie Stadt          Amberg-Sulzbach          Cham          Neumarkt i. d. OPf.          Neustadt a. d. Waldnaab          Regensburg, Landkreis          Schwandorf          Tirschenreuth      Oberbayern          Fürstenfeldbruck          Garmisch-Partenkirchen          Landsberg a. Lech          Miesbach          Mühldorf a. Inn          München, Landkreis          Neuburg-Schrobenhausen          Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm          Rosenheim, Landkreis          Starnberg          Traunstein          Weilheim-Schongau          Ingolstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt          München, Kreisfreie Stadt          Rosenheim, Kreisfreie Stadt          Altötting          Berchtesgadener Land          Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen          Dachau          Ebersberg          Eichstätt          Erding          Freising      Oberfranken          Bamberg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bayreuth, Kreisfreie Stadt          Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Hof, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bamberg, Landkreis          Bayreuth, Landkreis          Coburg, Landkreis          Forchheim          Hof, Landkreis          Kronach          Kulmbach          Lichtenfels          Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge BRANDENBURG      Brandenburg - Südwest          Brandenburg an der Havel, Kreisfreie Stadt          Cottbus, Kreisfreie Stadt          Potsdam, Kreisfreie Stadt          Dahme-Spreewald          Elbe-Elster          Havelland          Oberspreewald-Lausitz          Potsdam-Mittelmark          Spree-Neiße          Teltow-Fläming      Brandenburg - Nordost          Frankfurt (Oder), Kreisfreie Stadt          Barnim          Märkisch-Oderland          Oberhavel          Oder-Spree          Ostprignitz-Ruppin          Prignitz          Uckermark SACHSEN-ANHALT      Sachsen-Anhalt          Dessau-Roßlau, Kreisfreie Stadt          Halle (Saale), Kreisfreie Stadt          Magdeburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Altmarkkreis Salzwedel          Anhalt-Bitterfeld          Jerichower Land          Börde          Burgenland (D)          Harz          Mansfeld-Südharz          Saalekreis          Salzland          Stendal          Wittenberg NIEDERSACHSEN      Hannover          Diepholz          Hameln-Pyrmont          Hildesheim          Holzminden          Nienburg (Weser)          Schaumburg          Region Hannover      Lüneburg          Celle          Cuxhaven          Harburg          Lüchow-Dannenberg          Lüneburg, Landkreis          Osterholz          Rotenburg (Wümme)          Soltau-Fallingbostel          Stade          Uelzen          Verden      Weser-Ems          Delmenhorst, Kreisfreie Stadt          Emden, Kreisfreie Stadt          Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Kreisfreie Stadt          Osnabrück, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wilhelmshaven, Kreisfreie Stadt          Ammerland          Aurich          Cloppenburg          Emsland          Friesland (D)          Grafschaft Bentheim          Leer          Oldenburg, Landkreis          Osnabrück, Landkreis          Vechta          Wesermarsch          Wittmund      Braunschweig          Braunschweig, Kreisfreie Stadt          Salzgitter, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wolfsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Gifhorn          Göttingen          Goslar          Helmstedt          Northeim          Osterode am Harz          Peine          Wolfenbüttel MECKLENBURG-VORPOMMERN      Mecklenburg-Vorpommern          Greifswald, Kreisfreie Stadt          Neubrandenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Rostock, Kreisfreie Stadt          Schwerin, Kreisfreie Stadt          Stralsund, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wismar, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bad Doberan          Demmin          Güstrow          Ludwigslust          Mecklenburg-Strelitz          Müritz          Nordvorpommern          Nordwestmecklenburg          Ostvorpommern          Parchim          Rügen          Uecker-Randow BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG      Freiburg          Freiburg im Breisgau, Stadtkreis          Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald          Emmendingen          Ortenaukreis          Rottweil          Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis          Tuttlingen          Konstanz          Lörrach          Waldshut      Stuttgart          Stuttgart, Stadtkreis          Böblingen          Esslingen          Göppingen          Ludwigsburg          Rems-Murr-Kreis          Heilbronn, Stadtkreis          Heilbronn, Landkreis          Hohenlohekreis          Schwäbisch Hall          Main-Tauber-Kreis          Heidenheim          Ostalbkreis      Tübingen          Reutlingen          Tübingen, Landkreis          Zollernalbkreis          Ulm, Stadtkreis          Alb-Donau-Kreis          Biberach          Bodenseekreis          Ravensburg          Sigmaringen      Karlsruhe          Baden-Baden, Stadtkreis          Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis          Karlsruhe, Landkreis          Rastatt          Heidelberg, Stadtkreis          Mannheim, Stadtkreis          Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis          Rhein-Neckar-Kreis          Pforzheim, Stadtkreis          Calw          Enzkreis          Freudenstadt NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN      Münster          Bottrop, Kreisfreie Stadt          Gelsenkirchen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Münster, Kreisfreie Stadt          Borken          Coesfeld          Recklinghausen          Steinfurt          Warendorf      Düsseldorf          Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt          Duisburg, Kreisfreie Stadt          Essen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Krefeld, Kreisfreie Stadt          Mönchengladbach, Kreisfreie Stadt          Mülheim an der Ruhr,Kreisfreie Stadt          Oberhausen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Remscheid, Kreisfreie Stadt          Solingen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Wuppertal, Kreisfreie Stadt          Kleve          Mettmann          Rhein-Kreis Neuss          Viersen          Wesel      Detmold          Lippe          Bielefeld, Kreisfreie Stadt          Gütersloh          Herford          Höxter          Minden-Lübbecke          Paderborn      Arnsberg          Bochum, Kreisfreie Stadt          Dortmund, Kreisfreie Stadt          Hagen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Hamm, Kreisfreie Stadt          Herne, Kreisfreie Stadt          Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis          Hochsauerlandkreis          Märkischer Kreis          Olpe          Siegen-Wittgenstein          Soest          Unna      Köln          Aachen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt          Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt          Leverkusen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Aachen, Kreis          Düren          Rhein-Erft-Kreis          Euskirchen          Heinsberg          Oberbergischer Kreis          Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis          Rhein-Sieg-Kreis SACHSEN      Dresden          Dresden, Kreisfreie Stadt          Görlitz, Kreisfreie Stadt          Hoyerswerda, Kreisfreie Stadt          Bautzen          Meißen          Niederschlesischer Oberlausitzkreis          Riesa-Großenhain          Löbau-Zittau          Sächsische Schweiz          Weißeritzkreis          Kamenz      Leipzig          Leipzig, Kreisfreie Stadt          Delitzsch          Döbeln          Leipziger Land          Muldentalkreis          Torgau-Oschatz      Chemnitz          Chemnitz, Kreisfreie Stadt          Plauen, Kreisfreie Stadt          Zwickau, Kreisfreie Stadt          Annaberg          Chemnitzer Land          Freiberg          Vogtlandkreis          Mittlerer Erzgebirgskreis          Mittweida          Stollberg          Aue-Schwarzenberg          Zwickauer Land
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Language skills Albanian Basque Belarusian Bosnian Breton Bulgarian Catalan Cornish Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Faroese Finnish Flemish French Frisian Galician German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Kashubian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Lower Sorbian Luxembourgish Macedonian Maltese Moldavian Montenegrin Northem Sami Norwegian Occitan Polish Portuguese Romansh Romani Romanian Russian Serbian Serbo-Croatian Scots Scottish Gaelic Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian Upper Sorbian Valencian Walloon Welsh Yiddish Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Bengali Chinese Dhivehi Esperanto Greenlandic Georgian Hebrew Hindi Indonesian Interlingua Japanese Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish Kyrgyz Lao Malaysian Malagasy Minangkabau Mongolian Nepali Ossetic Pashto Persian Sinhala Somali Swahili Tajik Tamil Thai Tibetan Tigrinya Turkmen Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Zulu
Driver's licence A1 A B1 B C1 C D1 D BE C1E CE D1E DE AM T
Computer skills Amadeus Galileo IBM Lotus Note Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Outlook Open Office BASE Open Office CALC Open Office WRITER IBM Mac OS Microsoft Windows Linux/Unix SAP OMEGA HUMAN Adobe Photoshop Open Office DRAW Corel DRAW ArchiCAD AutoCAD Catia Autodesk 3ds Max Solid Edge ABAP C++ Delphi Java Objective-C Pascal PHP PL/SQL UML Visual Basic .NET Adobe Flash ASP CSS HTML WAP XHTML XMT IBM DB2 Microsoft Visual FoxPRO MySQL OracleDatabase SAP administration of OPENVMS administration of UNIX/LINUX administration of WINDOWS serverov administration of LAN/WAN Client/Server administration administration of Lotus Notes administration of Novell NetWare administration of LAN/WAN administration of Microsoft SQL server administration of My SQL administration of Oracle Database administration of SAP Microsoft Hyper-V Vmware ESX
Organising skills analytic and logical thinking building business network monitoring and market analysis professional education of employees organization of exhibitions organizing of distribution system organizing auctions planning and optimization of transport sharing of project management preparing of social events preparing of sporting events project management management of business network management of secretariat ability to motivate employees ability to plan and perform desired goals creation of projects management of econimic office management of accounting office leadership team of employees conducting audits
Social skills flexibility communication with suppliers communication with foreign partners communication with customers cultivated speech realization of selection process independence self-control, stress resistance ability to communicate assertively ability to provide consultation and advice ability to work with children ability to work with disabled people ability to work in multicultural environment ability to work in team ability to solve problems skills in dealing with complaints
Technical skills competencies for working with high current ability to read technical drawings in engineering ability to read technical drawings in electrical engineering using of planing and milling machines using cash registers using X-ray equipment ability to use CNC machines ability to adjust CNC machines experience of setting and management of injection molding machines ability to work with heavy machinery typewriting maintenance and adjustment of measure machines elaboration of technological processes knowledge of mechanical and hydraulic presses knowledge of economic correspondence knowledge of electronic banking knowledge of quality control processes in banking knowledge of quality control processes in transport knowledge of quality control processes in electrical engineering knowledge of quality control processes in construction knowledge of quality control processes in engineering knowledge of quality control processes in healthcare knowledge of various metal components knowledge of construction processes in construction industry knowledge of double entry bookkeeping skills in handling office equipment skills of servicing and repair motor vehicles welding certificate
Artistic skills animation art architecture ballet design photography acting playing percussion playing flute playing guitar playing harmonica playing violin playing clarinet playing piano playing saxophone playing trumpet drawing literature literary creation folklore painting moderator skills video and sound design restoration singing joinery sculpting dance artistic woodcarving artistic recitation