Miesto práce: Veľká Británia, NORTH EAST (ENGLAND)
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na dobu neurčitú, plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: žiadne špecifické
Ponúkaný plat: Neuvedené
Počet miest: 1

pracovná oblasť

Generálni riaditelia
   Generálni riaditelia
        Poľnohospodárstvo, poľovníctvo, lesné hospodárstvo a rybolov


We are a small Swedish agency in the UK that deal with stable staff and riders, we find work for capable people ready for paid work, involving horses, stable management, riding and grooms in the UK. Eire and Europe. We also have families looking for Mother s help, childcare and care for the elderly. All jobs are with free accommodation. Family Sattin Horse.house/ care for charming family living in a village near London I am looking for someone to help with general duties with horses and some housework. About 5 hours per day, six days a week. Car driver is important. Non smoker We have four horses and two ponies, four dogs and a car so you can use it on your free time. We live in Chipperfield, near Guildford, close to London. Contact swedecareuk52@gmail.com Accommodation/own bedroom/ bathroom, sitting room, washing machine and use of car written statement of employment particulars

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source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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