Miesto práce: Veľká Británia, NORTHERN IRELAND
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na dobu neurčitú, plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: Training and tools provided: Full Training will be provided in GET''s range of advanced Biomass. Heating Systems for routine service and maintenance - using the manufacturers recommended processes. A service vehicle and all necessary tools will be provided. Job requirements / skills: Biomass heating system technical or servicing experience. Some familiarity with control systems; some basic personal computer skills. Good communications skills; able to be well organised and on-time. Clean Driving Licence.
Ponúkaný plat: 22,000.00 GBP / ročně
Počet miest: 1

pracovná oblasť

Výrobcovia a opravári presných prístrojov a umeleckí remeselníci


JOB DUTIES : Reporting to the Service Manager the Service Engineer will be responsible for all aspects of service engineering and routine maintenance. Responsibilities: Routine servicing and maintenance of wood pellet and woodchip Boilers fitted with electronic control systems. Working to booking schedule and completing service sheets. OTHER INFO : 25+ insurance purposes. SALARY INFO : £22000 per annum. EQUALITY STATEMENT : Green Energy Technology Ltd are an equal opportunities Employer.

Pracovný čas:

  • Bez zadania pracovného času


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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