Místo práce: Dánsko, DANMARK
Typ pracovní smlouvy: na dobu neurčitou, plný úvazek

Požadované vzdělání: žádné specifické
Nabízený plat: Neuvedeno
Počet míst: 2

pracovní oblast

Řidiči a obsluha pojízdných strojních zařízení
   Obsluha zemědělských, lesních, zemních, zdviahcích zařízení
        Obsluha vysokozdvižných vozíků


Can you drive a gastruck/powertruck? We are looking for talented forklift drivers that can start right away. The job will be at a company in Copenhagen SV, and it can be in any hour of the day, so you will have to be flexible about your working hours. There is no minimum of working hours pr. week, but we expect that there will be work 1-3 days a week, 8 hours pr. shift. It will be a possibility to get more shifts in the production line in the same company, so you will have more shifts pr. week. Din profil We are searching for a person who: - Is a skilled truck driver who has a truck certificate - Has experience driving a gas truck/power truck at warehouses. - Are flexible about working hours - Has a great mood - Can start working immediately - You are able to communicate in English We only accept applications through our website. We are already having interviews, so please apply for the job today! Om företaget Prisbelønnede StudentConsulting er en rekrutterings- og bemandingsvirksomhed med fokus på unge mennesker i starten af deres karriere. Takket være vores omfattende netværk og mangeårige erfaring er vi i stand til at tilbyde interessante og udfordrende stillinger indenfor områder såsom it, teknik, økonomi, administration, HR, markedsføring, kundeservice, salg, industri, produktion, logistik og transport. Find din fremtid på www.studentconsulting.dk allerede i dag!

Pracovní doba:

  • Bez zadání pracovní doby


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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