Místo práce: Rakousko, Wiener Umland/Nordteil
Typ pracovní smlouvy: na dobu určitou, částečný úvazek

Požadované vzdělání: Vyššie vzdelanie, vrátane vysokoškolského
Nabízený plat: Neuvedeno
Počet míst: 1

pracovní oblast

Vědci a odborníci ve fyzikálních a jiných vědách
   Fyzikální a chemické obory


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna responsibility for Humans and Nature. We work for the sustainable use and protection of natural resources. 1 Postgraduate Research Associate (Project employment) Reference code: 64 Extent of employment: 30 Hours per Week Duration of employment: 01st of October 2015 to 30th of September 2018 Workplace: 3430 Tulln, UFT Gross monthly salary and pay grade in terms of collective agreement for university staff (payable 14 times per year): B1, € 1.997,20 Responsibilities Trichoderma reesei is among the most efficient degraders of cellulosic plant biomass. We will to investigate an alternative method for pretreatment and conversion of plant biomass, which can significantly enhance the energy efficiency of biofuels and other biomass derived products by application of natural soil fungi. We will apply molecular biological analyses, strain improvement and phenotypic characterization of wildtype and artificial fungal communities upon growth on a reference biomass substrate. Thereby, we can considerably increase sustainability and competitiveness of second generation biofuels. Required skills and qualifications - Completed degree in Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology or a related field Desirable skills and qualifications - Experience in common experimental techniques used in molecular biology and genetics - Experience in working with filamentous fungi, especially in the field of enzyme production and analysis and/or bioinformatics techniques - Basic understanding of chemical analytics techniques - Working language English: the applicant is expected to be fluent and able to give talks and participate in writing publications. German proficiency will be a bonus. Applications can be submitted until: 04th of August 2015 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour. Please send your job application to Personnel department, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 70; E-Mail: kerstin.buchmueller@boku.ac.at. (Reference code: 64) We regret that we cannot reimburse applicants travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and hiring process. www.boku.ac.at Vice Rector for Human Resource Management and Organisational Development: Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Georg Haberhauer, MBA Das Mindestentgelt für die Stelle als Postgraduate Research Associate (Project employment) beträgt 2.662,93 EUR brutto pro Monat auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung.

Pracovní doba:

  • Bez zadání pracovní doby


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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